So, there is six more days to go till election day. Senator Obama has bought a half an hour on tv tonight...I guess I will not complain about watching Sponge Bob Square Pants on NICK this evening. Anyway, even though I have enjoyed the discussion regarding the candidates with both democrats and republicans, I am over it.
The governors race in Indiana has been interesting as well. An incumbant governor who campaigned on change, made some pretty major changes (including getting Indiana on daylight savings time which people still are complaining about having in place) that he campaigned on. Whether you agree with the changes he has made or not, he told us all he was going to do it during his campaign. I can't say that I agree with him all the time, but you can't deny that he has put Indiana back in the game. Especially since our only game seems to be agriculture and automotive and we all know being in the automotive game is not a winning game unless you have offshore headquarters.
Anyway, today I was told about an ad about how great Daniel's opponent is. It is humorous at the least, especially if you have seen Mitch's ad that is very similar.
The Left Gets More Cringe On Socials Every Day
Let’s be honest, the Democrats have always been better at using Social
Media than the Republicans. It’s just a fact. The Republicans were the
party of […]
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