Sunday, November 1, 2009

Athlete in Training

By genetic makeup alone, my children are destined to be average athletes. Now, Brady is built like a fullback, but I don't see the NFL in his future. We have enlisted him in some athletics activities at the YMCA in Greensburg. To date, these have been non-competitive situations since Brady still cries on a regular basis or just flat out refuses to do what the person in charge tells him.

The most recent series allowed him to play t-ball, soccer, and volleyball. We now know t-ball or baseball is not his sport. (Big surprise, it wasn't his mother's either. I think I struck out more than I ever made contact with the ball.) Soccer, on the other hand, has promise in his future. Volleyball was somewhere in the middle, but I am not sure of any schools that offer boy's volleyball in the area. Halloween was his final class for this session. Here are a few candids.

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